Journal articles

Author: Coll Ramis, M.A.; Seguí Llinàs, M.

Title: ‘El papel del clima en la estacionalidad turística y la configuración de productos turísticos emergentes. El caso de Mallorca’.

Journal:  001342 – Cuadernos de Turismo  ISSN: 1139-7861

Volume:Number: 33  Page range: Start: 15  End: 30 (2014)  Key: Article  Code: 543697

Digital identifier: 1/160061

Indexing database:       Impact factor:       Number of citations:

Area and subarea:

Quality indicators:



Author: Jean-Marie FURT – Miguel SEGUI LLINÁS

Title: EI litoral: ¿objeto de consumo o de planificación? Una comparación entre Córcega y Baleares

Journal:  913585 – Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles ISSN: 0212-9426

Volume:Number: 66  Page range: Start: 67  End: 82 (2014)  Key: Article  Code: 545104

Digital identifier: Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)

Indexing database:       Impact factor:   0.103       Number of citations:

Area and subarea: GEOGRAPHY, 76 out of 76

Quality indicators:



Book chapters

Authors: Ruíz, M.; Seguí, J.M.; Martínez, MR.

Title: Improving equity of public transportation planning. The case of Palma de Mallorca (Spain).

Book: Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place. Proceedings of the AGILE’2014 International Conference of Geographic Information Science.


Number of authors:

Volume:  — Number:Page range, start:end:Year: 2014 Place of publication: Castellón (SPAIN) ISBN: 978-90-816960-4-3 Legal deposit:

Key:  Article         Publication           code: 036829      Order: 082

Relevance order:                Publisher: International

Link:                       Observations:





Title: Implementing city and citizen friendly electric vehicles, Dynamo Summer University, 2014

Book: USB


Number of authors: 4

Volume:  — Number:Page range , start:end:Year: 2014 Place of publication: PALMA (SPAIN) ISBN: ISBN: 84-617-0656 Legal deposit:

Key:  Editor          Publication           code: 037346      Order: 083

Relevance order:                Publisher: International

Link:  Implementing city and citizen friendly vehicles.                      Observations:


Contribution to conferences

Authors: Estrany, J.; Ruiz-Pérez, M.; Pons-Esteva, A.

Title: L’avaluació per projectes al mòdul instrumental del grau en geografia: disseny i proposta de gestió

Type of participation: Poster

Conference: Jornades de Recerca i Innovació Educativa de les Illes Balears


Number of authors: 3            Extent: Nacional

Host entity: 4641 – UIB I ICE-IRIE

City: Palma            Country: SPAIN           Year: 2014

Observations: Project based learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a deeper knowledge.. One of the challenges of the EHEA is to integrate a robust conceptual and epistemological training with technological competencies. In this sense, Geographic Information Technologies act as a transversal competence within the Bachelor’s degree of Geography at the UIB through an instrumental module of 54 compulsory credits plus 12 optional credits in courses of their choice. In order to integrate conceptual and technological training, the development of an evaluation for projects is proposed in 6 of the 9 compulsory subjects of the instrument module through the execution of a project by each student.

Key words: 215274 – Avaluació per projectes / 212703 – Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica / 000229 – Geografia

Code: 062109            Order: 082            Relevance: