Journal articles

Author: Estrany, J.; Calsamiglia, A.; Carriquí, M.; García-Comendador, J.; Nadal, M.; Fortesa, J.; Ruiz, M.; Alorda, B.; Gago, J.

Title: Ecogeomorfologia i drons com a eines dinàmiques de gestió post-incendi. El cas de la comarca del Pariatge, Mallorca.

Journal: 201064 – Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia

Volume: 80 Number:Page range: Start:71 End: 89 Year: 2015  ISSN: 1133-2190

Key: Article

Digital identifier:

Indexing database:       Impact factor:       Number of citations:

Area and subarea:

Quality indicators:



Author: Fortesa, J.; García-Comenadador, J.; Calsamiglia, A.; García-Hernández, J.; Alorda, B.; Fluixa, J.; Ruíz, M.; Tomàs-Burguera, M.; Lucas-Borja, M.E.; Estrany, J.

Title: Combining e-infrastructures with rainfall and stream gauging stations: design and implementation of a hydrometeorological network in a Mediterranean insular environment.

Journal: 917329 – Advances In Meteorology

Volume:Number:Page range: Start:End:Year: 2015  ISSN: 1687-9309

Key: Article

Digital identifier:

Indexing database:       Science Citation Index (SCI)       Impact factor:       1.107       Number of citations:

Area and subarea: METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 68 de 84

Quality indicators:



Author: Estrany, J.; Calsamiglia, A.; Ruiz, M.; Carriquí, M.; García-Comendador, J.; Nadal, M.; Fortesa, J.; Medrano, H.; Gago, J.

Title: Sediment connectivity linked to vegetation using UAVs: high-resolution imagery for ecosystem management

Journal: 901502 – Science of the Total Environment

Volume:Number:Page range: Start:End:Year:  ISSN: 0048-9697

Key: Article

Digital identifier:

Indexing database:       Impact factor:       Number of citations:

Area and subarea:

Quality indicators: Submitted



Book chapters


Authors: SEGUI, J.M.; RUIZ, M.; SANCHIS, E.

Title: Developing ‘Mobility 2.0’ systems and services, 2015

Book: USB


Number of authors: 4

Volume:  — Number:Page range, star:end:Year: 2015 Place of publication: PALMA (ESPAÑA) ISBN: 978-84-608-4352-8 Legal deposit:

Key:  Editor          Publication           code: 038500      Order: 084

Relevance order:                Publisher: International

Link:   <a href=”” target=”_blank”></a






Title: La mobilité des usagers du campus de l’université des Îlles Baléares

Book: Insularité et villes en Corse et en Méditerranée Mélanges. Strade

Publisher: Albiana/ADECEM

Number of authors: 2

Volume:  22 Number:Page range, start: 91-102 end:Year: 2015 Place of publication: (FRANCE) ISBN: 9782824106052 Legeal deposit:

Key:  Book chpater             Publication          code: 821117      Order: 085

Relevance order:                Publisher International

Link: <a href=”” target=”_blank”></a>  Observations:


Contributions to conferences

Authors: Calsamiglia, A.; Gago, J.; Ruiz, M.; Carriquí, M.; García-Comendador, J.; Nadal, M.; Fortesa, J.; Alorda, B.; Medrano, H.; Estrany, J.

Title: Sediment connectivity linked to vegetation using UAVs: A new rapid assessment method for post-fire restoration studies

Type of participation: Media and Press

Conference: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Environmental Research Conference. Liverpool John Moores University, 7-8 July 2015.


Number of authors: 10            Extent: Internacional

Host entity: 0056 – John Moores University Liverpool. Faculty of Technology and Environment

City: Liverpool            Country: United Kingdom           Year: 2015


Key words: 207671 – vehículo aereo autónomo (UAV) / 208499 – ecogeomorphology / 215251 – post-fire management / 216396 – Erosion dynamics

Code: 064385            Order: 083            Relevance order:


Authors: Miranda, M.A.; Leza, M.; Barceló, C.; Feliu de la Peña, P.; Ruiz, M.; Valdés, F.; Alorda, T.

Title: Olive net Balearic Islands: An update

Type of participation: Media and Press

Conference: FruitFlyNet 3rd Consortium Meeting


Number of authors: 7            Extent: International

Host entity:

City: Beit-Dagan            Country: ISRAEL            Year: 2015


Key words:

Code: 064221            Order: 084            Relevance order: