Journal articles
Author: Mateu, J; Seguí, J.M; Ruiz, M;
Title: ‘Mallorca y sus dinámicas metropolitanas: proximidad y movilidad cotidiana en una isla-ciudad’
Journal: Eure-Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales ISSN: 0250-7161
Volume: 129 Number: — Page range: Start: 1 End: 20 (2017) Key: Article
Digital identifier:
Indexing database: Impact factor: Number of citations:
Area and subarea:
Quality indicators:
Author: Ruiz, M; Seguí, J.M.; Mateu, J;
Title: ‘Improving bus service levels and social equity through bus frequency modelling’
Journal: Journal Of Transport Geography ISSN: 0966-6923
Volumen: 58 Number: — Page range: Start: 220 End: 233 (2017) Key: Article
Digital identifier:
Indexing database: Impact factor: Number of citations:
Area and subarea:
Quality indicators:
Author: Estrany, J.; Calsamiglia, A.; Ruiz, M.; Carriquí, M.; García-Comendador, J.; Nadal, M.; Fortesa, J.; Medrano, H.; Gago, J.
Title: Sediment connectivity linked to vegetation using UAVs: high-resolution imagery for ecosystem management
Journal: 901502 – Science of the Total Environment
Volume: — Number: — Page range: Start:— End: — Year: 2017 ISSN: 0048-9697
Key: article in press
Digital identifier:
Indexing database: Impact factor: Number of citations:
Area and subarea:
Quality indicators: Submitted